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Be sure to read the blurbs below for what we are learning this quarter in each grade level.  




Pre-K students will be learning all about the weather this quarter.  Students will be immersed in exploratory investigations involving various types of weather conditions.  Check out twitter @MagicClipperSh1 for pictures of what we are doing.  



This quarter students will act as meteorologists investigating various different types of weather conditions.  Students will keep a weather journal in science class.  Each class period they will record the weather daily weather condition and what they would wear for that type of weather.  Students will be immersed in many experiments to learn about the different types of weather we have - stormy, cloudy, rainy, sunny, partly cloudy, foggy, etc.  Check out twitter @MagicClipperSh1 for pictures.  


First Grade

First grade students will embark on a journey as geologists this quarter.  Students will learn all about the different earth materials - water, soil, rocks, and minerals.  Students will learn how to use various properties in describing various rocks and minerals.  Students will compare the different properties of soil from different locations to determine their capacities to retain water, nourish and support various plant growth.  A rocks and minerals identification station has been set up in the classroom.  Students are encouraged and welcome to bring in small rocks to science class to learn more about them.  I ask that if a child chooses to bring in something to learn more about that it please be placed in a bag or container with the child's name on it.  The rock/mineral needs to be no larger than the student's hand.  Treasure Quest Mining in Apex could make for a fun family outing to continue to inspire the learning at school.    Don't forget to follow us on twitter @MagicClipperSh1 for pictures of all the fun we are having!  


Second Grade

Second grade students have transformed into meteorologists for this quarter.  Our work this quarter is based upon the book On the Same Day in March.  This book describes various types of weather in places all around the world on the exact same day.  Students will work  collaboratively in small groups to research their selected country's weather daily and record the weather condition, temperature, and wind speed.  Students will be learning and designing their own weather tools - wind or weather vane, anemometer, and rain auge.  Toward the end of the quarter, students will compile the data they collected on their country and content knowledge to design some kind of travel guide to persuade others to visit their country.  They must let their audience know what clothing items and/or accessories to pack, what activities they may choose to participate in, as well as plants and animals they may encounter based on the weather conditions and climate in this area.    Check out twitter @MagicClipperSh1 for pictures.    



Third Grade

Third graders will be traveling to outer space this quarter to learn all about our solar system.  Students will be immersed in various hands on activities and experiments to gain a better understanding about the major components and patterns that occur in our solar system.  Near the end of the quarter, students will collaborate in groups to learn more about a specific planet.  Students will share the information they gleam through a poster google slideshow or other creative means.  Check out twitter @MagicClipperSh1 for pictures.    


Fourth Grade

Fourth grade students are exploring how various forces affect the motion of an object.  Specifically, students will be beginning to develop their understanding around magnets and electricity. Students will be engaged in many hands on experiences to explore how magnets attract and repel various kinds of objects.  Students will apply the basic understandings of how magnets and electric currents work in order to create movement without touching them.  Some students may be interested in researching Maglev trains to see how the basic understanding of magnetism is being used to levitate trains.  Don't forget to follow us on twitter @MagicClipperSh1 for pictures.     


Fifth Grade

Fifth grade students are also becoming meteorologists this quarter.  Students will be engaged in many hands on whole group and small group experiments to better understand weather patterns and phenomena.  A big goal is for students to be able to predict upcoming weather events based on data collected and observed.  Students should be able to analyze various patterns to explain the causes and effects for certain types of weather.  Looking up or watching weather reports on television or via the internet could be very helpful in furthering your child's connections to the weather in a particular place and time.   Check out twitter @MagicClipperSh1 for pictures. 


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